February 15, 2009

Three In One..

Its been a while since the last wrote. Its not that i dont want to, but now, im really busy in finishing all the assignments for this second semester.
First, there's are blossom in my life on the last 15th January..the reason is, i got a band 4 for MUET exam. Although its not really cool, but its an opportunity for me to continue in my Law Degree.

Then, i gone through my mid-semester break..its not what i really wanted..not the holidays,but the bad luck that i gone through. First, my turtle which i called abau, died in front of me..he fell down from the sixth floor, and got crashed!! poor him..i remember, the first time i saw him is when i go to the marine life shop and he's hiding his head in one of the aquariums.. he seems very cute, no.he's exactly really cute..then, i bought him and put it in my aquarium back home..its already six years, and he died..

Its not only that..i have a fever for a whole week and the mid-semester break was worthless to me..i didn't get any chance to watch my favourite movie, Underworld 3..but its a little bit ok when i still can go to my favourite restaurant, Noodle Station, to get my favourite Ice Age or Angel Face..

After the mid-semester break, we have a so called FLO day..Future Lawyers Only..its kind of tiring..ye la, we have cheer competition, the props, mascot, banner, and all that..we did it for almost 2.oo a.m...huh..and then we have to get up early to do the last practise..hahaha..penat la jugak, but its kinda fun actually..ye la, we gathering, cheering , laughing..and all that..and thanks for NADZI, for the replacement of me in Marathon Mania..hehe

About the drama, i didn't go and dont know anything about it..and as well as the dinner, at Galeri Shah Alam, we ran off from the crap place place..!!! hehe..its not really comfortable around there..the reasons?? huh..we get the behind-est table, didn't get to see the M.C, the dancers, and even the singer who had sung that night..so, we ran off to Plaza Alam Sentral, Shah Alam and got our dinner, heh..heh..at the Big Mug Restaurant!!! hahaha..then, took a cab and zzzzzzz....

After that, we have a test on BEL332, its a discussion and its about whether the early retirement, or the late retirement is the best in order to give ways to the younger workers..and the chosen one is the late retirement. I thinks, we did the best on that test, and the lecturer, Mdm Angeline Francis, seems ok with it..

And the last...hehehe..typing is really tiring isn't it???? hehehehe

Mrs Way

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You left the dinner??!
Patut la x nampak you!
And sorry to know about your Abau :(
RIP lil' turtle!!